Prefix PRO: Definition Match --
Word List
1) proposal
2) projection
3) progressive
4) prognosticate
5) prospect
6) promotion
7) proclaim
8) provoke
Definition List
A) To announce publicly; to declare (verb)
B) To forecast from present signs or indications; to prophesy; to presage (verb)
C) Characterized by forward movement or gradual increase; developing in extent or severity (adjective)
D) The act of throwing or shooting forward, esp. at a sharp angle; estimate of future possibilities based on a current trend (noun)
E) The act or fact of being raised in position or rank; the furthering of the growth or development of something (noun)
F) A suggestion; an offer of something for consideration or discussion (noun)
G) The act of looking forward; anticipation; a mental picture of something to come; a potential buyer or customer (noun)
H) To arouse to action or feeling especially to excite to anger; to call forth; to stir up purposely (verb)
Prefix PRO: Definition Match --
Directions: For this PREFIX activity, MATCH a vocabulary word with a number in the left hand column with the proper definition of the 8 words in letters "A to H" in the right hand column. Use the pull down "Select" bar to choose the correct letter match.
When you hit "Submit", you will get back the correct answers as well as the percentage score for how many questions you answered correctly.
Clue: These vocabulary words come from 14 PREFIX activities. In addition to this Definition Match exercise, also has a free Interactive Puzzle and Fill-in-the-Blanks. We will have a Word Find, Crossword, True/False exercise and a Concentration activity with these same 8 words.
You have permission to make a hard copy for further vocabulary study at home or in the classroom.
Prefix PRO: Definition Match --
Word List
1) reflec
2) recognition
3) rebellious
4) reliable
5) reunion
6) rehabilitation
7) revive
8) respiration
Definition List
A) Engaged in open, organized and often armed resistance to authority; insubordination (adjective)
B) Act of knowing or remembering upon seeing; special notice; acknowledgment of something done (noun)
C) To bend or throw back waves of light, sound or heat; think seriously and carefully (verb)
D) The restoring to a former state, reputation, condition, health or state of efficiency (noun)
E) Consistently dependable in character, judgment, performance or result (adjective)
F) A single, complete act of inhalation and exhalation of air; breathing (noun)
G) The act or state of people coming together again after a separation (noun)
H) To bring or come back to life, consciousness, activity or use; to make fresh or strong again (verb)
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