Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 6 Vocabulary

shun (sounds like sun)
to keep away from; to take pains to avoid

resident (sounds like president)
one who lives in a place

Ruthless (sounds like toothless)
having no compassion or pity; cruel; merciless

obsolete (sounds like fleet)
out of date; no longer in use or in fashion

magnate (sounds like magnet)
a rich, powerful, or successful business person

despite (sounds like write)
in spite of, notwithstanding

conceal (sounds like con seal)
to keep from being seen; to put out of sight; hidden

climate (sounds like climb)
refers to weather conditions; typical weather for an area, attitude

swelter (sounds like sweater)
to become exceedingly hot

wean (sounds like teen)
to withdraw from any type of habit

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